Fallible DNA evidence can mean prison or freedom
YOU are the juror: would you trust DNA evidence? Most people regard it as near infallible- it produces the right result or no result, exonerating the innocent and securing convictions where other evidence fails.
But DNA is not as objective as you might think. In the first of a two-part investigation, New Scientist reveals that much of the DNA analysis now conducted in crime labs can suffer from worrying subjectivity and bias. We asked forensic analysts to interpret a sample of real DNA evidence and found that they reached opposing conclusions about whether the suspect matched it or not. Our subsequent survey of labs around the world also shows that there are significant inconsistencies in the guidelines on how to interpret a sample. The findings suggest that the difference between prison and freedom could often rest on the opinions of a single individual.
Culling Evidence Against Killers and Rapists: A Day At Westchester's Crime Lab
Did you know that your brain is the last thing to decompose? Brain, vitreous humor, gastric, bile, urine, liver, and blood--inside Westchester's Crime Lab.
Suspect not a match to the usual pattern
Most serial killers choose victims of their same race.
Practically every serial killer focuses on the opposite gender, therefore usually women.
Almost all serial killers plan their attacks.
But Flint serial killer suspect Elias Abuelazam contradicts those patterns.
Jack Levin, a Northeastern University professor of sociology and criminology who's an expert on serial killers, said it's rare for a serial killer to target victims outside his own race.
Read more: Suspect not a match to the usual pattern | freep.com | Detroit Free Press http://www.freep.com/article/20100813/NEWS05/8130381/Suspect-not-a-match-to-the-usual-pattern#ixzz0wVRNCxvr