Signature analysis is an amazing technique to analyse one’s hidden capacities & incapacities. It is effectively used as a personal psychological aptitude analysis tool.....after all ones aptitude defines one’s own future.
Science of Signature
It is globally accepted that the signature of a person can be used to identify his transactions, this signature is now accepted by law, on bonds, deeds and other official documents even on international agreements. To forge another person's signature is a crime heavily punished by the criminal law of every country.
Universally Signature is accepted as an unique identity of a person, so when this identity is created by an individual, it is actually drawn by hand with the direction & support of brain where brain receives inputs of visualization & creation of Signature by invisible conscious & sub-conscious mind, ultimately invisible mind which a mental nature of a person represents itself graphically which called as Signature. Thus Sign of Nature is Signature.
Professional Analysis
In case of professional’s signature analysis it can be identified where person will gain more success & satisfaction. Even we can decide many does & don’ts about an individual for his/ her professional and personal growth.
It is applicable for:-
• Vocational guidance for those seeking suitable employment or perhaps a job change.
• Compatibility in both personal areas of life and business.
• Child and family guidance.
In addition to the above, the application of Signature Analysis in the areas of management selection and career guidance is becoming more widely accepted.
For Analysis of Signature Forensically contact: IFSR Pvt Ltd
(Science of signature: http://www.signatureanalysis.org/signature.html)
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